What's my musical micro-niche?

Hi Everyone and welcome back to my blog. I’ve been planning on starting this blog as I get more focused on my music micro-niche. I got the idea of a music micro-niche from Leah McHenry who is a successful musician, composer, and businesswoman. You can find out more about her developing your micro-niche at this link.

In this blog, I’ll discuss the process for how I arrived at my musical micro-niche. Stick around if you want to learn more. 

Moving forward

As I compose music for films it is necessary for me to follow the instructions of the film director on the musical tone and emotion in order to support the storytelling in the film. And while working in film can be lots of fun and a powerful medium to express stories and ideas, I’m never completely free to compose music that I want to. 

So, as I move forward in my music career, I want to compose music independently and for myself. 

What is a musical micro-niche?

You may ask “what is a music micro-niche”? Well, that’s a good question. I’ve learned that it is very important as a composer and musical artist that I distinguish myself from the pack, so to speak. If you asked me “what kind of music do you compose Jeff”? If I responded by saying “classical music”, then you would probably ask “what style of classical music do you compose”? Classical music encompasses a lot of musical styles developed throughout the years. So, as an independent artist, I realized that I had to think about my musical style and establish what it is in finer detail. 

First I start off with how I would categorize my music in general. So, as a professional French Horn player who has performed for many years in symphony orchestras, my compositional style emanates from the symphony orchestra. Therefore, I would classify my overall umbrella genre as Western Classical music. (see below)

Whittling down my
Musical Micro-Niche...

Umbrella Genre-Western Classical Music 

A broad musical genre encompassing many styles and musical periods in Western Classical music. 

Sub Genre-Romantic/Impressionistic Music

I’m very fond of the Romantic and Impressionistic musical periods in classical music. 

Niche-Film Score Music

I really enjoy film score music and the way that the music helps to enhance the storytelling in films. 

Micro-Niche-Cinematic Musical Storytelling 

Within my micro-niche, I’ll be combining aspects of film score composition with storytelling and creating original music that evokes images of people, places, and landscapes in the imagination and without the visual medium of film. 

This micro-niche may change on occasion depending on the types of music I will be creating. The music may be influenced by jazz or world music genres. 

Where have I arrived?

So with my micro-niche whittled-down to Cinematic Symphonic Storytelling, I’m embarking on a new path that will be unique and liberating for me. In today’s world of social media and digital media marketing, there is a huge opportunity for me to do the following:

  • Compose the music that I want
  • Share my music with the world and build an audience
  • Establish an ethos around my micro-niche whereby I can build a Facebook group of like-minded members that are interested in cinematic music that tells stories and makes a positive impact in the world.
  • Teach and mentor aspiring composers of all ages

If you would like to discuss the Musical Micro-Niche, what it is and how you can find yours, leave a comment below. And please sign up for my email list to stay in touch about my latest music and my new Facebook Group coming soon.

Thanks, Jeff 

Listen to some of my music on Soundcloud. 

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